Friday treats

Friday Treats: A Week of Winners

Friday Treats: A Week of Winners

Treats from This Week

We had some winners this week in three different competitions: Brillanti, Kantamaghna, and Miss Beauty of Malta, as well as we got to know who the judges will be of The Voice Kids

# Samuel Cutajar - Winner of the 1st edition of Brillanti


# Danica Muscat - Winner of the 3rd edition of KANTAMAGĦNA


# Shania Mallia - Winner of Miss Beauty of Malta


# Owen Luellen, Destiny, Gianluca Bezzina - The Voice Kids Judges


Treats for This Weekend

What’s on today and during the weekend? Anyone interested in Jazz and Food? Then you should definitely head to Valletta.

# Malta Jazz Festival 2022 (fb)

From the 11th till the 16th of July


# Malta International Food Festival (fb)

From the 13th till the 17th of July


Treats for Next Week

For all fashion afficianados, next week is also the start of the Malta Fashion Week, so grab your tickets and don’t miss out on this yearly event.

# Malta Fashion Week (fb)

From the 20th till the 22nd of July


Claim Your Name

You’re up for a quick weekend project? Create your own mobile website to feature your talents and portfolio! Head up to to see what it’s all about, and create your own profile. It’s free and it looks great!

Happy Weekend Everyone!

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