The personal brand series

New Year, A Better You: 5 Personal Branding Tips

New Year, A Better You: 5 Personal Branding Tips

A New Year offers an opportunity to get things right, it gives us a blank slate. And it’s the reason why most of us set New Year Resolutions, aspiring to a goal and following through on it. When you do, you get a sense of accomplishment, and feel in control over what’s happening in your life.

So for this New Year, I’m proposing the following resolutions for anyone who wants to improve their Personal Branding.

1. Your Personal Branding Statement

A personal branding statement explains what you do and what is your unique advantage in your field. It’s normally 1 or 2 sentences that sums up your experience, skills, and passion, so people reading it, understand who you are and what you offer. Also incorporate specific and genuine skill sets, interests or experiences into your statement.

If you already have one, it’s that time of the year where you can re-evaluate if the statement you set is still resonating with you and your vision for the year to come. You have to make sure that it’s showing your passion for your work, and that what you do is important.

2. Does your Headshot look like the Now You?

I know the feeling, I’ve had the same headshot for 6 years, and although it looks similar to the Now Me, it’s still a younger version of this guy. It can be hard to admit that we don’t look like our favorite headshot, but it’s important to update it, so that people can recognise you.

So go get that new headshot. And make sure to use the same headshot across all your professional social media channels and platforms, for more coherence.


3. Social Media Analytics

What can be measured, can be improved. It’s very important to measure your efforts and success with social media. Each platform has their own take on analytics, but all of them will allow you to track which of your posts where the most successful and which hours had the most user engagement.

What can be measured, can be improved

For example, Instagram and Facebook Business Manager have built-in analytics to see how your posts are performing, whilst Twitter will show you at a glance your top tweet for the month

Regardless of the platform you’re focusing on, it’s always important to track how you’re doing so that you can measure success. It also allows you to see what types of content is resonating with your audience as well as visuals that make your posts stand out in the crowd.

4. Keep updated on your Competition

Checking your competition is not about copying their posts, but to get inspired. It’s helpful to see what they are talking about, which platforms are they most active on, and understand what’s happening in their respective industries. All this will give you more ideas to generate more posts for your audience, and for yourself to keep up to date with the latest developments.


5. Find time to Write

Writing gives you a creative outlet to share your thoughts, ideas and passions. It might not be on everyone’s list, but it doesn’t mean that you should avoid it. Instead you should make time for it and get better at it.

Whether your’re writing a Facebook or LinkedIn post, a blog post on your website, or a few thoughtful tweets, it helps to schedule the time to do so. And it’s doesn’t need to be a whole hour, even putting ten minutes regularly on your calendar can be helpful for you to sit down and write.

It’s good to take stock and do this process at the beginning of a new year, but it’s a good practice to re-visit this list in a few months’ time to see how you’re progressing.

Happy New Year!


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