The personal brand series

Why a Personal Brand is Needed for your Business

Why a Personal Brand is Needed for your Business

Why does Sara Blakely have 2 million followers, but her company Spanx has only 85,000 followers?

Why does Gary V have 5.3 million followers, but his company has only 34,000 followers?

Why does Richard Branson have 19.8M followers but his company, Virgin Galactic, has only 339,000 followers?

Why do they have more followers than their actual businesses?

A study found that brand messages are shared 24 times more frequently when shared on an individual’s social media within that company, ie the Founder or CEOs, rather than when shared through the company’s social media pages.

Personal branding can reveal another perspective of your business to potential clients and can help you connect with your target audience, establishing your company’s goal and commercial objectives. You may stand out in a competitive market and draw in more customers by developing a personal brand that is consistent with your company’s goals.

1. People buy from People

This is the main reason that these founders have much more followers than their businesses!

But it’s not just about metrics, it about driving real business results. Posts that are shared on the founders’ or employees’ social media channels, get 8 times more engagement than items shared on the company’s social media channels.

2. Builds Trust

Continuing with the first point, People trust people, not businesses. Social Media has allowed companies to cross geographical barriers and reach more customers than ever before. But unfortunately the same avenues can be used by scammers. Thus building a personal brand allows you to show customers who you are and what you stand for. And as a result, customers feel they have a relationship with you and trust you.


3. More Leads and Opportunities

All the likes and followers on the social media channels for your business are very important, but the leads that come through Personal Branding on personal social media accounts convert 7 times more frequently than leads that come through any other channel that your business has.

By creating a personal brand, you can show who you are beyond your business and strengthen your business with what you bring to the table as an individual. Personal branding is part of a strong business strategy.


No one will see your brilliance if they don’t see your profile

Start building your personal brand by setting up your personal WOW Profile for FREE. Use it as your digital business card or as your personal website! Find out more on

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