Wow updates

Challenges, Triumphs, and Milestones

Challenges, Triumphs, and Milestones

2023 - A journey full of challenges, triumphs, and milestones.

And a year of firsts: Launching WOW’s physical cards and our online store, getting our first clients, designing our new packaging, collaborating with local festivals, attending conferences abroad, and meeting amazing like-minded people within our vibrant local startup community.

Watching WOW’s platform and cards used both locally and internationally, has been immensely gratifying, and receiving positive feedback was the cherry on the cake. This input helped address issues, enhance and evolve the WOW platform, and provide new features for improved security and usability.

Looking Forward to 2024


Looking ahead to the upcoming year WOW’s focus will centre on the theme of Sustainability. All printing and packaging is already being handled solely in Malta to reduce emissions, and we’re aiming to provide more eco-friendly products as our small contribution to a sustainable future.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year filled with prosperity, joy, and continued success!

Create Your Card

Go to to create your new card or visit to checkout the physical cards available to connect to your profile.

WOW For Teams

Want to setup your Team? WOW offers profiles specifically for teams. Please send us an email on with the number of team members, and we’ll send you more information.


No one will see your brilliance if they don’t see your profile

Start building your online presence by setting up your personal WOW Profile. Get your personal website and also use it as your business card. And it’s free! Find out more on

Your Digital Business Card Updates

Keep informed with the latest updates for your digital business card. We’ll let you know when launching new features that will improve your networking.