Wow updates

Your Team Page just got better

Your Team Page just got better

One of WOW’s stand out features for teams and businesses has received further enhancements. The Team Page provides a centralised platform where a business can present all team members on a single, user-friendly page. This page showcases each member’s profile picture, name, and position, providing a direct link to each individual digital business card.


With the latest update, you now have the ability to view the list of team members from a new ‘Members’ menu option, which allows you to select members to be displayed on your Team Page directly from your dashboard, offering convenience when showcasing your team’s attendance at events.

Additionally, sponsors and sub-brands can be added to the Team Page, providing them with a card on which to showcase tailored content and links, enhancing their visibility.

Private Contacts


We’ve introduced a new feature empowering Team Members to designate contacts as private. This enhancement enables them to include contacts that remain exclusive and are not shared across the entire team. This offers greater control over personal information and fosters a sense of privacy and autonomy within the team environment.

View your Dashboard


Embrace Sustainability this Spring


WOW is proud to announce a new sustainable card for this spring, crafted entirely of Bamboo offering both NFC and QR Code functionality. Bamboo, known for its rapid growth and renewability, presents a sustainable alternative to conventional card materials, making it an ideal choice for reducing our ecological footprint whilst delivering quality products.

This product marks another step in our commitment for eco-friendly solutions integrating modern technology in a feature-light design, ensuring you won’t even feel it in your pocket.

While we encourage going card-less as the optimal eco-friendly choice, we understand that some prefer having a physical card and our Bamboo cards offer the sustainable option.

Join us in promoting sustainability without sacrificing convenience and style. And Take advantage of our limited-time introductory offer on our new Bamboo cards. Don’t wait too long, as this offer ends on March 31st 🏷️

Get your Bamboo card


Create Your Card

Go to to create your new digital business card or visit to checkout WOW’s physical cards to connect to your profile.

WOW For Teams

Ordering more than 10 digital business cards or want to setup your Team? Send us an email on with the quantity required to receive our Enterprise rates and special WOW Teams’ features.

Your feedback is incredibly valuable as the WOW platform continues to evolve, so please feel free to contact us at


No one will see your brilliance if they don’t see your profile

Start building your online presence by setting up your personal WOW Profile. Get your personal website and also use it as your business card. And it’s free! Find out more on

Your Digital Business Card Updates

Keep informed with the latest updates for your digital business card. We’ll let you know when launching new features that will improve your networking.